Vulnerability Management Process-Threat Scan

 Vulnerability Management is a process of identifying, evaluating based on priority, reporting, and remediating vulnerabilities in an organization’s IT network. It includes security tools such as vulnerability scanners which do thousands of checks to gather information and report results to a dashboard containing information about devices exposed to threats in the organization.

A vulnerability scanner will test all devices alongside the vulnerability database. After software checks for vulnerabilities, it generates a report; the report’s findings are analyzed and would be helpful while remediating vulnerabilities.

A proper vulnerability management plan will reduce the attack surface cybercriminals might exploit, making your network more secure. Cyber Security Hive offers the Best Vulnerability Management Services in USA that address security essentials with a multi-layered approach.

Why do you need a Vulnerability Management Program?

Cyber-attacks are constantly increasing; it takes one vulnerability to steal your information. Higher the number of devices within the organization's computing network, the possibility of cyber threats increases. Actively managing vulnerabilities long before the attacks makes the organization secure.

The primary purpose of having a vulnerability management program is to keep your network safe. It analyses your network for any missed updates or potential threats and then applies appropriate patches.

How does Vulnerability Management Work?

The vulnerability management process can be attenuated into four steps.

·        Identifying vulnerabilities

·        Evaluating and prioritizing vulnerabilities

·        Reporting vulnerabilities

·        Remediating the known vulnerabilities

Identifying Vulnerabilities

·        Vulnerability scanners identify various devices liable to risk in an organization's network.

·        With the assistance of a vulnerability database (which contains publically known vulnerabilities), vulnerability scanners associate known vulnerabilities to scanned devices.

·        Scanning under restricted network bandwidth will disrupt devices.

·        This information helps maintain up-to-date vulnerability data, and also it is accustomed produce reports.

Evaluating and Prioritizing Vulnerabilities

·        All the identified vulnerabilities would be evaluated as per the severity level.

·        Vulnerability management solutions prioritize vulnerabilities based on CVSS (common vulnerability scoring system).

·        CVSS scores the vulnerabilities between 1-10 based on their severity.

·        You might face two forms of error while evaluating vulnerabilities.

Type one error: where you report vulnerabilities that don't exist, usually called a false positive.

Type two error: You don't report vulnerabilities even though they are present, referred to as a false negative.

Reporting Vulnerabilities

Finally, the vulnerability scanning tool can generate a report summarizing the identified vulnerabilities and their risk to the organization.

Remediating the Identified Vulnerabilities

After vulnerabilities are known and prioritized, the next step is to remediate them. There are alternative ways to treat vulnerabilities.


·        Process of patching vulnerability before it becomes a security threat.

·        Once you have applied patches to vulnerabilities, it is recommended to have another round of scans to ensure that vulnerabilities are remediated.


·        It is lessening the impact of vulnerability being exploited. This is necessary when there is no correct patch available.

·        It acts as a temporary solution and doesn't eliminate vulnerabilities.

ThreatScan Vulnerability Management

Cyber Security Hive's Penetration testing is one of the most popular Penetration testing Services in USA. ThreatScan is a SaaS-based platform that makes your vulnerability assessment and vulnerability management easier. ThreatScan enables organizations to automatically discover every asset in their environment, including unmanaged assets on the network; inventory all hardware and software; and classify and tag critical assets in a single cloud-based app. You can call us at +91 9901024214 or visit for more information.


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