Why is ThreatScan Preferred over other Scanners in the Industry?

There are numerous automatic scanners in the industry that make vulnerability management easy and fast. Still, those automated scanners often provide false positives and are challenging to use and often provide numerous errors , and sometimes may even contain ransomware. So to keep your organization it is safe, it is necessary to choose a good vulnerability management platform. And ThreatScan provides the best VulnerabilityManagement in USA . Many organizations often use it due to its reliable results, its capability to provide zero false-positive results, and its advanced dashboard. WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN TRADITIONAL PENETRATION TESTING AND THREATSCAN? Over the last decade, penetration testing (also known as pen testing) has become common for assessing vulnerability. People conduct pen tests for a variety of reasons. Identifying high-risk vulnerabilities for developers to address is good risk management practice. Regulatory compliance, customer expectat...